You can request a refund for almost all services within the site for any reason. You may have purchased the PRO plan by mistake. Maybe you spent an hour with the PRO plan and just didn't like it. It does not matter. We will issue a refund regardless of the circumstances if the refund is requested within two hours of purchase.

You will find detailed information below, but even if your situation does not meet the described rules, you can still request a return and we will consider the request. Users in some regions may have additional rights to request a refund if certain services do not work properly in your region.

In what cases can the money be returned?

The possibility to make a return within two weeks after paying for a service in which you spent less than two hours applies to PRO rates on our site. Next, you will find information about refunds for other types of payment for services.

Refund for purchased PRO tariff

For the purchased PRO tariff, you can return the money within two hours after purchasing the tariff. The purchase funds will be fully refunded to you within two weeks after the return is approved and transferred to the wallet within the site or through the payment method you used to pay for the services. If for some reason the site cannot return the money to the payment method you used, your wallet on the site will be replenished with the corresponding amount.

Refunds for Marketplace purchases

Money for goods in the marketplace can be returned within forty-eight hours after purchase and receipt, only if they have not been irretrievably lost, damaged or have no visible signs of use and if (only if) the seller of the goods agrees to return the money. If the seller allows refunds for these items, they will let you know at the time of purchase. In other cases, the site does not allow refunds for purchases made in the marketplace.

Marketplace pre-order refunds

If you pre-ordered an item on the marketplace and paid for it, you can request a return at any time before the item has been shipped. Standard return policy (14 days/2 hours) will apply as soon as you pay for your order.

Return of funds transferred to the site wallet

You can request the return of the funds transferred to the website wallet within fourteen days after the transfer, if the funds were transferred through a Ukrainian bank card (for example, PrivatBank) and you have not yet used them.

Renewable Subscriptions

For certain content and services on the site, there is periodic (monthly or annual) access, for which a regular fee is charged. If a renewable subscription has not been used during the current billing period, you may request a refund within 48 hours of purchase or auto-renewal. Content is considered used if during the current payment period you used services available only in the PRO tariff.

Please note that you can cancel your current subscription at any time by going to "Refund request". After cancellation, your subscription will no longer automatically renew, but you will still have access to its content and benefits until the end of the payment period.


The option to make a return has been added so that you do not risk anything when paying for services on the website. This is in no way a way to use the services for free. If we suspect that you are abusing this system, we may revoke your account's refund option.